According to Coindesk, Standard & Poor's Global Ratings said in a report on Wednesday that the lack of regulation of stablecoins in the United States is one of the main obstacles to the adoption of the currency. Analysts led by Mohamed Damak pointed out that the lack of regulation is one of the main obstacles to the adoption of stablecoins in the United States and hinders the wider institutional adoption of stablecoins. Stablecoins will play an increasingly important role in on-chain transaction...
According to CoinDesk, Memeland CEO Chen Zhancheng said that Bitcoin is the largest Meme coin on the planet.
CoinDesk Indices announced at the Consensus Hong Kong conference that it has launched two index products that track the price fluctuations of the 50 largest memecoins and the top 100 tokens by market capitalization, in order to meet the demand of institutional and professional investors seeking upside space in different cryptocurrencies. The CoinDesk Memecoin Index will track the 50 largest memecoins by market cap, including dogecoin (DOGE), shiba inu (SHIB), floki (FLOKI), and others, while the...
CoinDesk Indices在香港共识会议(Consensus Hong Kong)上宣布,该公司推出了两个指数产品,追踪市值最大的50个memecoins和前100个代币的价格波动,以满足机构和专业投资者在不同加密货币领域寻求上涨空间的需求。 CoinDesk Memecoin指数将追踪市值最大的50个memecoin,其中包括dogecoin(DOGE)、shiba inu(SHIB)、floki(FLOKI)等,而CoinDesk 100指数则是市值前一百的代币的单一基准。
WisdomTree announced the launch of Physical CoinDesk 20 ETP (code: WCRP) at the Hong Kong Consensus Conference, which has been simultaneously listed on the German stock exchange Xetra, the Swiss stock exchange SIX, and Euronext in Paris and Amsterdam. The WCRP tracks the CoinDesk 20 index, providing European investors with the largest opportunity to invest in crypto assets by market capitalization, while also featuring pledged returns. Alan Campbell, president of CoinDesk Indices, said that the ...
WisdomTree 于香港共识大会上宣布推出 Physical CoinDesk 20 ETP(代码:WCRP),该产品已在德国证券交易所 Xetra、瑞士证券交易所 SIX 以及巴黎和阿姆斯特丹的泛欧交易所同步上市。 WCRP 追踪 CoinDesk 20 指数,为欧洲投资者提供最大市值加密资产的投资机会,同时具备质押收益特性。CoinDesk 指数总裁 Alan Campbell 表示,CoinDesk 20 指数自 2024 年 1 月推出以来,首年交易量已超过 ...
据 CoinDesk 报道,美国联邦法院详细列出了 SBF 因欺诈被审判并入狱前拥有的资产规模,以及美国政府如何迅速介入,没收了约 10 亿美元的金融资产和两架飞机。 美国纽约南区地方法院于周二发布的最终没收令正式剥夺了 SBF 在一个长达数十页的财产清单中的所有权。法院文件揭示了这位曾经的亿万富翁所宣称拥有的广泛资产,包括他共同创办的交易公司 Alameda Research 的大量加密资产。 在这些涉及加密货币的众多页面中,Alameda 在 Binance 的资产包括:5600 万美元...
On February 18th, according to CoinDesk, data analytics company Inca Digital found that a scammer using AI deepfake video is using fake FTX to settle claims to defraud companies, involving more than $5.60 million. The scammer successfully defrauded a large amount of money by disguising his identity and making video calls with the company that purchased FTX to settle claims. The scammer may have used face-changing technology on the phone and forged relevant documents....
According to CoinDesk, Japanese bitcoin company Metaplanet has announced that it will conduct a 10:1 stock split on April 1, 2025. The decision comes against the backdrop of a 3,900% increase in the company's share price, with the aim of reducing minimum investment costs and improving market liquidity. Metaplanet has amassed 2,031 bitcoins with a market cap of nearly $200 million since it started buying bitcoins in April 2024. These bitcoin purchases are a major factor in the company becoming th...
据CoinDesk报道,日本比特币公司Metaplanet宣布,将于2025年4月1日进行10:1股票拆分。这一决定是在公司股价上涨3,900%的背景下做出的,目的是降低最低投资成本并改善市场流动性。 Metaplanet自2024年4月开始购买比特币,目前已积累了2,031枚比特币,市值接近2亿美元。这些比特币购买是公司成为过去12个月表现最佳的日本股票的主要因素。公司表示,股票拆分...
On February 18th, according to CoinDesk, a report released by JPMorgan shows that US-listed bitcoin miners accounted for 29% of the global bitcoin network's hashrate in February 2025, almost double that of the same period last year. The report pointed out that the hashrate of the bitcoin network rose by 6% this month, but the average daily profit of miners fell by 13% due to the falling bitcoin price. JPMorgan's analysis pointed out that the total computing power of the 14 bitcoin mining compani...